75 million euros for an urban regeneration project
The city of Ascoli Piceno has been awarded a grant of 75 million euros by the Italian government for an innovative urban regeneration project.
Alesi Design was in charge of BIM management and BIM coordination.
The project, which is part of the National Innovative Program for the Quality of Living, involves the community and all stakeholders in the area in an original development model to create a new vision for the city.
The strategy will change the urban, cultural, social and economic aspects to redefine the face of the city and the way citizens, businesses and visitors experience it.
The project aims to reactivate and regenerate the urban fabric of the medieval and Renaissance part of the city through the restoration of ancient buildings, the creation of green areas and urban spaces, and improving urban accessibility based on sustainable mobility.
An important part of the design process was the so-called Scan to BIM of existing buildings, which is a form of reverse engineering that aims to reconstruct the complexity of a building or infrastructure. Ancient buildings can have complex structures, and the historical stratifications are not immediately attributable to functional, typological or structural reasons.
This process requires an excellent knowledge of BIM authoring software and great skill in managing the point cloud generated by the laser survey.
The Cintoo Cloud platform, already used by Alesi Design in other projects, was of great help in managing the point cloud in the cloud and in checking the correspondence between the model and the point cloud.

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Alesi design Italia srl
Via Paolo Emilio, 28, 00192, Roma, Italy
Rruga Rauf Fico, Tirana, Albania
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